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Added on 24/03/2007

Holub E:  First Impression of Victoria Falls Zimbabwe ( Mosi-oa- Tunya )
....To my mind the Victoria Falls of the Zambesi are one of the most imposing
phenomena of the world. Let the reader then imagine himself to have taken a position upon a spot facing a.... read more here

Added on 12/03/2007
Thomas Meikle: Businessman and Entrepreneur...... Thomas Meikle affectionately known as Tom, Tom was one of the three Meikle Brothers who founded a company in Rhodesia (now known as Zimbabwe), he was regarded as a remarkable man, a very astute.... read more about Thomas Meikle here
Added on 10/02/2007

Chapman J:  First Impression of Victoria Falls Zimbabwe ( Mosi-oa- Tunya )
...We approached the brink with trembling, and carefully parting the bushes with our hands, looked at once on the first grand view of the Victoria Falls at the west end. Picture to yourself a ...  read more here

Added on 05/02/2007
James Anta: Missionary to Mashonaland and martyr ...... James Anta was a Xhosa from the Eastern Cape South Africa, he was the son of a Chief, but under the influence of the Wesleyan Missionaries that were working in the area, he got converted and was baptized James, from there on he channeled all his efforts to spreading the word of God. Due to the fact that he learnt to read and write fluently in Zulu, which was.......  read more about James Anta here
Added on 31/01/2007
David Livingstone's First Impression of Victoria Falls ( Mosi-oa- Tunya )
 . . the Victoria Falls have been formed by a crack right across the river, in the hard, black, basaltic rock which there formed the bed of the Zambesi. The lips of the crack are still quite...read more here