- African words of wisdom and proverbs from Akan Tribe, Ghana  -
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African Quotable Quotes: Akan Tribe Ghana

You can not shave somebody in his absence

Akan Tribe Proverb, Ghana 

You don’t pick birds nests on the way, when you are going to a city full of birds.

Akan Tribe Proverb, Ghana 

Even if you do not like the taste in your mouth, that is where you will always lick.

Akan Tribe Proverb, Ghana 

There would be no gunshots in the forests, if tortoises and snails where the only animals there.

Akan Tribe Proverb, Ghana 

Look at your hands, when you are eating a monkey’s hand.

Akan Tribe Proverb, Ghana 

If you have a message for God, you tell the wind!

Akan Tribe Proverb, Ghana 

A tree that bears good fruit has sticks under it.

Akan Tribe Proverb, Ghana 


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If a woman loves you, she doesn’t want to see you in debt.

Akan Tribe Proverb, Ghana 

A tree that does not know how to dance, will be taught by the wind.

Akan Tribe Proverb, Ghana 

When you push an old woman, where she falls should not be your headache.

Akan Tribe Proverb, Ghana 

A rat says, “What belongs to me, is in my stomach and not in my mouth.”

Akan Tribe Proverb, Ghana 

If a dog has no intention of biting you, it will not bark at you.

Akan Tribe Proverb, Ghana 

Why you should I allow a snake to bite me, when there is a stick in the house.

Akan Tribe Proverb, Ghana 

All animals run, but if a cow runs people say its crazy.

Akan Tribe Proverb, Ghana 

He who brings termite-infested wood to the house, should not be surprised when many fowls visit him.

Akan Tribe Proverb, Ghana

a list of more African Quotable Quotes are available here
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