- Proverbs from the Sotho Tribe, (Lesotho, South Africa, Zimbabwe) -
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African Quotable Quotes: Sotho Tribe 

The beaten track is the safest.

Sotho Tribe Proverb

Do not be afraid to make mistakes so that they may be corrected.

Sotho Tribe Proverb

The face is the index of the mind.

Sotho Tribe Proverb

It is wise to keep certain things secret.

Sotho Tribe Proverb

A dog follows the one who feeds it.

Sotho Tribe Proverb

A doctor is taught medicine, but not the charges.

Sotho Tribe Proverb

An evil doer (witch) has no distinguishing mark.

Sotho Tribe Proverb


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He who rejects advice deserves no sympathy.

Sotho Tribe Proverb

If you beat a dog, it will bare its teeth.

Sotho Tribe Proverb

Those who stay together often quarrel.

Sotho Tribe Proverb

Mighty things rise from trivial ones.

Sotho Tribe Proverb

Death may strike at any time.

Sotho Tribe Proverb

Every one fends for himself.

Sotho Tribe Proverb

Days are not the same.

Sotho Tribe Proverb

The king's messenger is as good as his master.

Sotho Tribe Proverb

a list of more African Quotable Quotes are available here
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