- Proverbs from the Ndebele Tribe, Zimbabwe -
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African Quotable Quotes: Ndebele Tribe Zimbabwe

Hope doesn't kill; its rushing that kills.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The heart is not served.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

A person is thanked when he is dead.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The death of a man is (as) a bottle.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

He lights a fire in the wind

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The deed is greater than the one who did it.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The maker of the King, doesn't rule with him.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

There is no snake that forgot its hole.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

Those who once saw each other, will see each other again.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

my african roots
African Hustler
Hangover "Babalas" Mug

The elephant was killed by ants.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

There's no river that does not make a sound.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

A grave is not to be dug before a person dies.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

There is no path that does not lead to a home.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

There is no head with out eyes

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

Fear is nothing, the real thing is courage.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

a list of more African Quotable Quotes are available here
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