- Proverbs from the Ndebele Tribe, Zimbabwe -
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African Quotable Quotes: Ndebele Tribe Zimbabwe

You cant go chasing after two gazelles (at the same time).

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The cow that gives only a little milk lows loudly.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The bull is chosen from the calves.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The tears of man drop on to his chest.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The (little) crab walks sideways like its mother.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

Water (river) does not jump over a gully.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The Jackal is not reared with the Lambs/kids.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 


my african roots
African Hustler
Hangover "Babalas" Mug

The ear is a thief/adulterer.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

A crime uncovers the blanket and goes in.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The nice fig is full of worms.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The word of an old person does not fail.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The flies are listening.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The cow is milked by him who knows it.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The wound of man is not to be laughed at.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

Wealth is as dew.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

a list of more African Quotable Quotes are available here
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